Introduction to Main Service

Main Service is a Content Management System (CMS) application in RCL Cloud Services. It allows an organization to develop a simple website to establish its cloud presence. You can also install other applications in 'Main' to support your organization's needs. The following is an example of 'Main'.


The front page has a banner with an image where you can immediately catch the attention of your site visitors.

Services List

You can list the services that your organization offers on the front page of Main. The following is an example of a list of services.

Contact Page

The contacts page provides your organization contact information, logos and image. You can include a Google map with directions to your organization's location.

Embed Facebook Page

Organizations may embed their Facebook page on the front page of the website.


You can write news or articles for anything you would like your visitors to know about or what your organization is doing. Visitors can read the article contents in the 'News' page.

Optimized for Mobile Devices

Main is a responsive website and is optimized for display on smart phones and tablet devices.


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